Why choose a Pear Cemetery Map?
A Pear cemetery map is created using the latest and most reliable data sources available, from Ordnance Survey data to aerial imagery, GPS and existing paper maps. Our experience and expertise in this sector means your cemetery maps are both accurate and affordable.
- High Quality
Based on Ordnance Survey Mastermap Topography Layer our cemetery maps are incredibly accurate.
- Experienced
Pear Technology have been creating cemetery maps since 1999.
- Knowledgable
Pear are an Associate Corporate member of the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM).
- Affordable
Ask us for a quote – our cemetery maps are not only highly accurate, but are also some of the most affordable on the market.
- Compatible
Maps can be linked to Pear’s own burial database, or existing cemetery management systems.
- Supported
Our friendly and knowledgeable UK based support team will be there to help you out should you need it.